Today : 17 Monday February 2025 |

About Forum

Under the Patronage of Prime Ministry of the Republic of Turkey
Global Business Network among Islamic Nations

International Business Forum IBF which is a platform for leaders and respected figures of Islamic World decision making authorities industrialists who are pioneers of cooperation, and cooperators of OIC member countries provides unique opportunities for making new business expansions global business networking and partnerships and tending to professional partnerships

IBF organized every year since 1995 under the patronage of HE Recep Tayyip Erdogan the President of the Republic of Turkey is an international platform which brings public and private sector together creates opportunities for sector related cooperation and collaboration between participants and builds trade and investment bridges. IBF Congress is organized by IBF Headquarters MÜSİAD and hosted by one of IBF member association every year. And every two years the following session is organized consequently with MÜSİAD International Fair.

Since 2006 International Business Forum IBF is also the official forum of Standing Committee for Economic and Commercial Cooperation of the Organization of the Islamic Conference COMCEC which is coordinated by Turkish Ministry of Development.

IBF events have produced important and achievable goals based on its long cherished mission of achieving enhanced cooperation and economic links among Muslim Nation and has accomplished numerous projects contributing to economic and social development in member countries.

At the Congress where concrete solutions are submitted about the mentioned issues so many activities like high level panels presentations of multinational business project country briefings of representative delegations from different countries and real life experiences in business are realized. Furthermore sector specific business meetings and business matching sessions are also organized to increase the trade volume among participating businessmen.

    Sectoral busıness meetıngs
    Presentatıons of multınatıonal busıness projects and partıcıpatıng countrıes
    Country brıefıngs of representatıve delegates comıng from dıfferent muslım countrıes
    Dırectıon towards enterprıse cooperatıon and professıonal partnershıps
    Increase of communıcatıon and cooperatıon among muslıms
    Creatıon of local busıness organızatıons wıth ınternatıonal partıcıpatıon
    Instıtutıonalızatıon of a structure that dırects trade ın the ıslam world
    Creatıng new busıness possıbılıtıes ın the ıslam world ın the future
    Specıal cooperatıon possıbılıtıes at ınternatıonal level


This elite platform founded upon the principle to set up a Global Network among Muslim Businessmen is administered by a Board of Governors BOG composed of presidents of businessmen associations and organisations from 24 countries and provides a reliable global business network.

Algeria Bangladesh Egypt Ethiopia Fiji Indonesia Iran Ivory Coast Jordan Lebanon Malaysia Mauritania Morocco Pakistan Palestine Qatar Saudi Arabia Singapore South Africa South Sudan Tunisia UAE USA Yemen
BOG Member

MUSIAD USA Council on American Islamic Relations CAIR Industrialists and Businessmen Welfare Foundation IBWF Industrialist Union Society IUS Algerian Business Forum ABF Algerian Economic Club AEC MUSIAD Indonesia SIUMAN Kementerian Koperasi Dan Usaha Kecil Dan Menengah MUSIAD Addis Ababa AMAL Entreprises Businessmen Association MUSIAD Ivory Coast Jasmine Charitable Society for Children with Special Needs Palestine Business Forum PBF EAMAR Association for Economic Development IBF South Africa Islamic Business Chamber of South Africa Iranian Business For Future IBF European Council for Fatwa and Research ECFR Lebanese Businessmen Forum LBF Federation of Malaysian Manufacturers FMM International Business  Investment Association IBIA Arab Union for Real Estate Development AURD The Egyptian Business Development Association EBDA Independent Businessmen Association in Mauritania AHAIM Pakistan Business Forum PBF Singapore Malay Chamber of Commerce and Industry SMCCI Sudanese Businessmen and Employers Federation SBEF Arab Investors Forum AIF International Syrian Forum for Business ISFFB Limited SaudiTurkish Business Council Association Namaa Tunisia ALRAKHAA Businessmen Cooperative Association Yemeni Business Club YBC and distinguished businessmen.

IBF holds various names in its enormous member countries : in Turkey UBF is recognized as International Business Forum while in Malaysia is Independent Business Fellowship and in Iran IBF stands for Iran Business for Future. Iran Business for Future has registered under laws of Iran Chamber of Commerce and Industries.Iran IBF is a non-govermental Organization(NOG) committed to expand economic relations between Iranian institutes and IBF members in an attempt to promote Iran is export under the Islamic Republic of Iran law.